Alpha Imprinting Certification

If you are a coach, sports psychology consultant, sports psychotherapist, sports psychologist or mental toughness coach ready to assist your athlete clients in achieving greatness with the most cutting-edge neuroscience-based technique the Alpha Imprinting Certification course is for you.


Alpha Imprinting Certification

Alpha Imprinting 12 Hour training course incorporates aspects of all of this effective neuroscience backed techniques;

  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Focused Mindfulness
  • Brainspotting
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping
  • EFT Matrix Reimprinting
  • Breath Work
  • Binaural Biolateral Frequency-Sound Medicine
  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Your athlete clients will gain these specific benefits.
Neurophysiologic Expectations

  • Decrease performance anxiety/cortisol.
  • Mentally and physically decondition your mal-adaptive neuromuscular patterns from past sports injuries or failures.
  • Deactivate current stressors impacting your sports performance.
  • Decrease the potential for unconscious uncontrollable muscle guarding reactions when the pressure to compete is on.
  • De-condition secondary trauma of seeing other athletes endure a sports mental or physical trauma-injury-failure.
  • Decrease your potential for injury by increasing your overall flexibility.
  • Increase vagal tone (your boss nerve) to enhance your physical performance potential.
  • Increase auditory, visual and physical reaction time.
  • Mentally condition positive sports performance neuropathways within the mind and body to support the achievement of optimal flow state.

Psychological Expectations

  • Fall asleep faster and stay asleep.
  • Beat habitual resourcing behaviors of addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, video gaming.
  • Stomp out mental illness symptoms like depression, anxiety and ADHD.
  • Let go of grudges and pent-up anger.
  • Heal post concussion syndrome symptoms of brain fog, anger, memory lapses, sleep disturbances and uncontrolled emotions.
  • Foster and strengthen intimate and interpersonal relationships.
  • Increase resilience in every are of your life and increase tolerance of those whom are different than you.

Light Therapy Certification

If you are a coach, sports psychology consultant, sports psychotherapist, sports psychologist, mental toughness coach, physical therapist, massage therapist or an athletic trainer ready to assist your athletes in recovering quicker from sports injuries, make more training gains and reverse sports concussion damage through the use of frequency medicine use the Light Therapist Certification is for you.


Light Therapy Certification

Light Therapy 12 Hour training course incorporates aspects of all of this effective neuroscience backed frequency based principles;

  • Near Infrared Light
  • Red Light
  • Blue Light
  • Green Light
  • Photo Puncture Acupuncture
  • Auricular Acupuncture
  • Binaural Frequency-Sound Medicine
    • Noigier
    • Solfeggio

Your athlete clients will gain these specific benefits.

Physiologic Expectations

  • Decrease cortisol.
  • Increase Nitic Oxide.
  • Increase Circulation.
  • Decrease Pain.
  • Increase Detoxification.
  • Enhance Collagen Production.
  • Balance Microbiome.
  • Break up Scar Tissue.
  • Increase Training gains.
  • Speed up Recovery Time.
  • Enhance Mitochondrial Functioning.
  • Detoxification.
  • Decrease Swelling.
  • Increase Immune Functioning.

Psychological Expectations

  • Increase Dopamine for Focus.
  • Increase Serotonin for Motivation.
  • Relieves Brain Fog.
  • Heal Post Concussion Syndrome Symptoms.
  • Remedies Insomnia.
  • Addresses Memory Loss.

Let’s get you trained today!