Brainspotting for Health and Sports Performance Optimization
April 11, 12, 13 2025
9:00AM-5:00PM PST
Rate $799.00
Brainspotting is one of the most advanced modalities for resetting the nervous system to an optimal functioning level. By the use of Brainspotting it is possible to create the desirable condition for any client to regain optimal health and sports performance. Within this three day intensive training participants will learn the neuroscience of how Brainspotting works and how to use Brainspotting effectively to create our client’s desired results.
- Learn foundational health & sports psychology theories and complimentary modalities.
- Learn about wellness vs illness based on physiology states.
- Learn how mental and physical trauma’s shock response gets stored in the body and how to release it.
- Learn how free radicals such as the stress hormone impacts performance and how to counter the negative effects.
- Learn about positive and negative ions as they apply to trauma resulting in performance decline.
- Learn how brain wave states apply to performance abilities.
- Learn about trauma’s negative impact on gut health and how to restore gut performance.
- Learn how about how chi/biophoton communication throughout the body dictates performance capacity.
- Learn how to effectively do a health & sports performance intake.
- Learn to effectively work with clients recovering from traumatic brain injury-concussions.
- Examine diversity, equity and inclusion within health and sports.
- Learn to help individuals recover from any physical injuries.
- Learn how mental, physical and environmental trauma negatively impacts the nervous system functioning.
- Learn how to undo the damage physically and mentally when an athlete endures a sports injury or concussion.
- Learn about how to reset the nervous system states after sports injury to regain or maintain peak performance.
- Learn how to protect performance energy during competitions or games to stay in flow state.
- Learn how to stop both body arousal and cognitive anxiety when the pressure is on to compete.
- Examine how coregulation impacts performance.
- Learn how coherence within the nervous system impacts performance.
- Learn about positive and negative ions as they apply to health and sports performance.
- Learn how to effectively hold a sports team or health performance process group.
- Learn to work with micromovements to ensure proper skill execution when the pressure is on.
- Examine techniques to assist athletes in a smooth transition into retirement.
- Learn about releasing and rewriting maladaptive neuro muscular performance micromovements.
- Learn to identify and entrain flow state to get into flow on command within stressful environments or when it’s time to compete.
- Watch and participate in demonstrations of various health & sports psychology expansion frames.
- Learn how to develop your own health & sports psychology practice using Brainspotting as your primary modality.
- And so much more!
*Dr, David Grand Approved Specialty Workshop
Alpha Imprinting
May 3, 2024
9:00AM-5:00PM PST
Rate $297.00
Alpha Imprinting is comprised of aspects of hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, somatic experience, frequency medicine, Brainspotting and EFT Matrix Reimprinting. This course teaches you how to reset the nervous system following a sports injury including concussions. Participants will learn a simple technique to assist athletes in maintaining brain health in sports and in life. Participants will learn how to expand an athlete’s peak performance.
- Learn how to undo the damage physically and mentally when an athlete endures a sports injury or concussion.
- Learn about how to reset the nervous system states after sports injury to regain or maintain peak performance.
- Learn how to protect performance energy during competitions or games to stay in flow state.
- Learn how to balance positive and negative ions to maintain brain health and peak sports performance.
- Learn how to stop both body arousal and cognitive anxiety when the pressure is on to compete.
- Learn how to release and rewrite maladaptive neuro muscular performance micromovements.
- Learn how to regain flow brain wave state to perform optimally.
Brainspotting for Health Optimization
March 22, 2024
12:00-3:00 PM PST
Rate $25.00
This lecture covers basic neuroscience, exercise kinesiology and psychology applicable to Brainspotting. Participants will learn how Brainspotting positively impacts metabolic disorders, autoimmune disorders, degenerative diseases, syndromes and “mystery” illnesses.
- Learn about the foundation of illnesses.
- Learn how mental and physical trauma negatively impacts the nervous system functioning.
- Learn how mental and physical trauma’s shock gets stored in the body and how to release it.
- Learn about persistent free radicals and how to combat them.
- Learn about positive and negative ions as they apply to health.
- Learn how brain wave states applied to health.
- Learn how Brainspotting assists in restoring gut health.
- Learn how Brainspotting helps with increasing chi/biophoton communication throughout the body to optimize health.
Brainspotting For Sports Specialty Training
April 5, 6 2024
9AM-5:30 PM PST
Rate $495.00
This course covers basic neuroscience, exercise and kinesiology psychology applicable to working with athletes post injury, concussion and life adversities. Participants will be given a foundation for working with BIPOC and LGBTQ athletes. Participants will learn an intensive intake process including assessing an athlete’s suicidality. Participants will learn various sports psychology techniques including motivational interviewing, relational motivational theory, achievement goal setting theory, and visualization-Imagery to increase an athlete’s performance confidence and to decrease an athlete’s arousal mechanism to ensure peak performance. Participants will learn about an athletes’ energetic body and how it relates to their sports performance. Topics like coregulation, coherence, micromovements and flow training will be examined. Participants will be given a foundation for conducting clinical process groups within sports teams or organizations. Participants will learn effective techniques to assist athletes in a smooth transition into the next chapter of their lives following their “decision to retire”. Participants will learn effective techniques to assist athletes in identifying their own ability to entrain their flow state for peak performance. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with presenters to ask questions on each concept. There will be more than 10 case conceptualizations of frames with potential set-ups within a manual will be issued to participants. Sports Injury, Micromovements, Concussion, Competition Preparation & Flow Spot and Sports Team/Group Experiential will be demonstrated throughout the training.
- Master and refine your skills in working with athletes using Brainspotting and other integrative therapies.
- Examine sports psychology theories and other modalities.
- Learn how to effectively do an athlete intake and suicidality assessment.
- Learn to effectively work with athletes suffering from traumatic brain
injury-concussions. - Examine diversity and inclusion within sports.
- Learn to help athletes recover from all sports injuries.
- Examine how coregulation impacts an athlete’s sports performance.
- Learn how coherence within the nervous system impacts an athlete’s sports performance.
- Learn about positive and negative ions as they apply to health and sports performance.
- Learn how to effectively hold a sports team process group.
- Learn to work with micromovements to ensure proper sports skill execution when the pressure is on.
- Examine techniques to assist an athlete for a smooth transition into retirement.
- Learn about releasing and rewritting maladaptive neuro muscular performance micromovements.
- Learn about coherence and coregulation within sports and performance expansion.
- Learn to help athletes identify and entrain their flow state to get into flow on command when it’s time to compete.
- Watch demonstrations of various sports psychology interventions.
- Learn how to develop your own sports psychology practice using Brainspotting as your primary modality.

Be The Best Version: Sports Injury
Sport & Society | Who’s Body is it Anyways?
Sport and the Problem of Autonomy
Thirteenth International Conference of Sport and Society
Sports and exercise psychology is the study of psychological and mental factors that influence participation in any physical activity. The purpose of this event is to discuss the topic of why athletes need sports psychology along with their other physical therapy, especially when they get an overuse injury, multiple injuries, concussion, surgeries, etc.
Sports & Exercise Psychology & Brainspotting Monthly Consultation Groups
First Friday of Every Month for 6 Months
Starting January 7 2022 Ending June 3 2022
90MInutes 1PM PST/4PM EST
Come learn how to effectively use Brainspotting with sports performance expansion and health optimization with your clients.
Sports Injuries, Concussions and Surgeries Should be Viewed as Trauma and Treated with Trauma Reprocessing Psychotherapy : Shifting the Injury Recovery Paradigm with Brainspotting to Regain Peak Performance
Sport & Society | Who’s Body is it Anyways?
Sport and the Problem of Autonomy
Thirteenth International Conference of Sport and Society
Aarhus University Denmark 30th June-1July 2022
Abstract: When an athlete experiences an injury, concussion or surgery the expectation is they must “shake it off”, “pretend” it didn’t occur and return to play despite their feelings associated with the fear of reinjury. Brainspotting assists athletes in resetting their homeostasis to a calmer and more focused peak performance parasympathetic nervous system state. Various National and Olympian athlete case studies will be presented to display how the endured sports injuries, concussions and surgeries resulted in a sports performance decline and how through Brainspotting the athletes regained and expanded on their sports performance capacity.
“Building Mental Health Awareness in Changing World”
06-07 December 2021
Prevent Mental Illness in Athletes by Strengthening Mental Health and Wellness
This presentation will explore what factors contribute to an athlete’s mental health and wellness deterioration. What specific cultural and systemic barriers athletes face in asking for mental health and wellness help. And how these barriers and systems can be navigated within participant’s sport communities. Specific athlete behaviors, signs and symptoms will be discussed which could indicate an athlete is struggling with their mental wellness. Various sports and exercise psychology interventions such as Motivational Interviewing, Relational Motivation Theory, Leadership Theory, Brainspotting, Visualization and Positive Self Talk will be utilized to educate participants on what each intervention looks like in practice and how each assists athletes in regaining, maintaining or expanding on their mental health and wellness. Participants will then learn how to confront and address the behaviors, signs and symptoms to start the process of getting an athlete to the appropriate interventions. Lastly participants will learn basic mental health and wellness strengthening practices aimed at preventing the development of a mental illness.

Past Events
For Love of the Game: Mental Fitness Summit II
For The Love Of The Game
Paige Roberts discusses how athletes can reset their nervous system to obtain optimal performance in sports and in life.
For The Love Of The Game is a Canadian non-profit organization. Our aim is to help the youth sports community bring the focus back to what matters: learning, growing, and having fun playing sports.
We’re working to create a happy and positive youth sports environment, because together we can keep kids active for life!
Paige Roberts will discuss Sports Performance Expansion, Sports Injury Recovery, and Brain Health Optimization with Brainspotting
Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute | Brown Bag Seminars
“Brainspotting and Sports Online Summit”
If you are an athlete, parent of athlete, coach, sports psychologist, sports performance coach, counselor or Brainspotting practitioner this online summit is for you!
Nine Brainspotting and Sports Performance enhancement expert interviews will reveal what Brainspotting is and how it assists athletes in reaching and maintaining their mind-body peak sports performance.
Take this opportunity to learn from leading professionals at the top of their field throughout 7 countries on how Brainspotting is an athlete’s mind-body competitive advantage.
View the Content AFTER the summit passes: register now to receive a copy of the summit in your inbox.
Don’t Miss This First Ever World Wide Brainspotting and Sports Performance Enhancement Event!
3 day, 3 hour Online Summit
December 10-12 2020 11AM-2PM PST
“Neuroscience of Peak Performance”
Brainspotting (BSP) is a very powerful brain-based intervention that has been widely used in the treatment of trauma and conditions that may stem from it. Nonetheless, BSP was discovered (by David Grand) while working with an athlete. Since then, BSP has also evolved as a powerful intervention for peak performance in different realms (sports, artistic, academics & corporate).
This course aims at teaching participants the neuronal substrates and underpinnings of Brainspotting as it pertains to peak performance. The presentations will cover the psychophysiological and neurophysiological variables at play while presenting data from stress profiles and brain scans. Participants will be able to identify and learn brain wave oscillations and patterns that correlate with peak performance and how BSP enhances this process.
Various psychophysiological and neurophysiological integrative modalities will be introduced and examined in how each compliment and expand on BSP’s effectiveness in increasing peak performance.
Participants will have the opportunity to engage with presenters to ask questions on how they too can integrate each modality into their BSP work with individuals seeking peak performance.
18 hours total over 8 weeks at 2 hours a week.
Don’t Miss This First Ever World Wide Brainspotting and Sports Performance Enhancement Event!
Every Friday for 2 hours starting March 5 2021-April 23 2021
18 hours total over 8 weeks at 2 hours a week.
You can purchase event and watch at your convenience via video recording!
Brainspotting for Sports Performance, Injury Resolution, and Brain Health Optimization
With Paige E. Roberts LCSW LICSW CLT, Certified Brainspotting Therapist
Midwest Brainspotting Institute
3 CEUs
Brainspotting (BSP) is a very powerful brain-based intervention that has been widely used in the treatment of trauma and conditions that may stem from it. Nonetheless, BSP was discovered (by David Grand) while working with an athlete. Since then, BSP has also evolved as a powerful intervention for both sports performance and brain0-body health performance.
This course aims at teaching participants specific set-ups on how to effectively implement BSP into a sports performance setting in addressing David Grand’s coined sports trauma which includes; sports failures and in jury resolution.
This course aims at teaching participants specific set-ups on how to effectively implement BSP into a concussion-Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) resolution setting and how to advocate for your clients in working with an integrative team of concussion-TBI experts.
This course aims at teaching participants the neuroscience of how BSP assists individuals in strengthening their brain health optimization.
Objectives for this webinar:
- Express to athletes how BSP for sports performance can benefit their performance and the necessity to clear-detrain sports trauma plays a pertinent role.
- Integrate individual and group sports performance setups into their practice.
- Explain BSP as an effective treatment modality for individuals suffering from a traumatic brain injury-concussion-post concussion syndrome.
- Summarize the need to incorporate various other providers-modalities with Traumatic Brain injury treatment concurrently with BSP.
- Compute how BSP increases their Gut brain access for brain health optimization.
Available for Purchase
Group Brainspotting Experiential Workshop for Sports Performance Expansion”- Paige Roberts, LICSW, LCSW, PhD, IMD
2021 International Brainspotting Conference
Dr. David Grand PhD found when an athlete participates in Brainspotting (BSP) they regain or expand on their current level of sports performance. Traditionally BSP sessions are executed on an individual basis either in person or via telehealth modalities. With the time constraints imposed on youth, adolescent and professional athletes individual BSP sessions can be difficult for both the athletes to attend and sports team-organization-club to allocate time for. Therefore, the “group” BSP set-up for sports team-organizations was created to meet this identified need. Within this 110minute experiential workshop participants will learn how to present the “group” set-up and process to athletes and sports teams-organizations-clubs. How to concisely explain the science of BSP on how it assists athletes in fully recovering from sports traumas including concussions. And how even if an athlete has not experienced sports traumas they too can benefit from BSP by desensitizing the what ifs and worst case scenarios for the up incoming game or competition. As well as how to use their peak performance “zone” spot to their advantage when the pressure is on to compete. Lastly, participants will then engage in the “group” BSP process so they can walk away from this experiential workshop confident they too can implement the “group” BSP set-up within any sports team-organizations-clubs.
Available for Purchase
Please join us on Saturday, July 13th in Issaquah at Lake Sammamish State Park for the 1st Issaquah Sports Medicine Combine! At this all athletes, all ages event, the Issaquah Sports Medicine combine will feature professionals gathered from across the region to host courses, activities and training on sports related medicine. These professionals include: Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Trainers and other Sports Medicine Professionals.
Saturday, July 13th, 2019